About Us

The Real Good Club is dedicated to sponsor really great causes through the promotion of some really great products.

In 2016, we are dedicating all of our resources to what might be the world's greatest catastrophe:  plastic pollution.

Linked to not only to massive die offs of so much of our treasure sea life, the same chemicals that are polluting the sea are making their way to land and have been linked to several metabolic disorders, from autism and obesity to
Alzheimer's and diabetes.

But sea birds, dolphins, and turtles are on the front lines of this war against planet Earth, which is why we celebrate them in our Save the Seas collection.  Your purchase today for yourself or a loved one will go to help not only spreading awareness
but helping clean up the toxic wasteland known as the North Pacific Garbage Patch and "Pushing Back Against Plastic" all over the world where it is endangering not only sea life, but life on land as well.

sea turtle jewelry


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